Pop tarts emerged from the toaster and made their way to the tiolet, then flushed themselves into oblivion.

The cat came out of the mouse hole and grew into a lion. So I was devoured whole.

Dear audiance, remember I am making art, and that is not always easy to grasp or feel or think about..so just be careful if you are feeling uncomfortable halfway, then take a break.

If you are fat then you are one of the lucky ones, if you are stupid, even more better!

America has been seeing more butt cleavage than chest cleavage! The morality police have been alerted! Stop all this backwards nonsense right away!

Biill Hole only stuck his head in a strange hole once, and that was enough!

What strange things arrive by twilight, then the swarm is gone, the tall thin man arrives, ha! You thought I was gone, gone! But I am here, Alive!

There is a technique I use: It's called: practice, practice, practice, practice and more practice.

It strikes that people who are feircely and violently antisemetic today, and are highly active in a war against Jews, can not be considered safe for society.