As the Secretary of Fictions is an important post, I need to know how you feel about it, and if I will be rewarded in some way.

The freakish sounds of the dying filled the air, wind howled like hunting dogs, a screaming screech owl descending with talons out: I can't believe it's not butter.

I don't think antisemitism is going to end, but the recent problem is new.

Weird people just need to observe geometric shapes.

A persistant God Concept is waves of energy that are generally not visable. This sounds too much like science. There were two events that had me thinking that God are small wiggling waves of energy.

What do I have to say about Jesus? I think I would like him. Excelent tea buddy.

The crowd can never replace the individuals.

I don't know everything about Big Teck, but it seems that working there might have been an extreme challenge in the last fifteen years.

In the end a limp doll is alone on a couch, the children are outside and the fire place has embers still crackling, outside a tree is singing wih a flock of little birds and a little device is gone from sight.