Any fucker who believes in power

Then they don't know anything about love

They don't know nothing

Love can take flame and crash the party with ease

Love can bring a dictator to his knees

Love can greet the day with holy flames

And put the undead into their graves

Don't mess with lovers

They will melt your cold heart

Pull you into the raging stream

So for those who are seduced by power

Curse them

For their dreams will be covered in

Selfish slime

Curse those who wish to steal the light

For dark lack of color 

Will expose you 

And consume you

Make way for love in triumph

See the change become true

It is time for the fades.
I'm turning organic on my family

They need to see what happens when I 

Get organic on them

And fill myself with green energy

On anti oxidant them

They won't know what hit them

Family is for some

Family is love


Give me some steak and a room full of lonely hearts

I'll give them the cheese and we shall see

How amazing is family


So nice.

Can coffee feed the soul like a glance

Do I have the courage to take a big chance

To do what super man would do

To laser the problems into glass

What would he do

Could he have super sex with you

Remove your blues

Do you really want it?

You got to put one foot in front of the other

Before you can fly to the sky

I need a good reason why

Give me one really good reason why

And I'll take to the sky.

I am not rich or famous

But I got that something

Don't know exactly but I got that something

Everywhere I go people seem to know

That I've got that something.
How long

O yes

How long will it be

Do i just be

Sick in sweet sap

Do I take the reigns 

Pull it all in my hands

And grab the future

To be a winner

To fight the holds on my soul

To break those diamond chains

Promises that never came

Holy female

Holy female

In the winter of my summer

I set my sights

Move into motion

For secret delights

Fools love

And who would not be a fool then

When a crush is felt 

Can not stop when the heart palpitates


Curls around the air with her fair face

A wine to last all time

Drama dissipates with the sea

O let go of me

Let the wind take me on my journey

Open yourself to the wonders of it all

Open the doors

I've done some wait and see

I miss the marsh

And the sea breeze

The busy sloths 

And the want to be sluts

For that is what gets lost 

That love

The busiest one's 

Seem like on drugs


In their own world

Where cafe purgatory 

Smells delightful.

She seeps into the pores of it all

And brings more magic out of this

To cause a sparkle in it 

This in not boring

No boring is.

Opinion: Mars was kept as God of War with lost other meanings by the Greeks.

Mars represents to me a human being in full strength

May be dangerous because of this

But the God of War is also the God of Peace

Mars does not lie about our capacity to do harm

It is obvious to this God or even Goddess

But to glory in our glory is what Mars is all about

For me anyway.
It began two years ago.

This powerful force

Caused major quakes in the air

And it was as if one happened like a tsunami

I hope you not to scare you

Angels are real.

For the record.

The angels came

Like a blind white light

Angels might

Fills the mind with confusion

Restless nights

With a gentle fury

Like liquid lightening

Almost frightening

Everywhere they were

And the heart knew they were here

And I wonder if they left

And if they left any tracks

The angels came

All seven of them

Their reasons mysterious

Breaking past any barrier

Any evil just broke like glass

Upon their arrival

In seconds they swept the globe

As if by many nuclear explosions

Lighting up parts of the mind of us all

Till dizzy and free for new highs

I am telling you as a witness that about three weeks ago

The angels came

I don't know why

And you may think I am crazy.

No this is real

The waves surged everywhere

People were mildly shocked

As the angels swept through earth

We have a new hope


You may think I am crazy

But believe me that an energy came

Sleep was disrupted

Everything has changed

Just notice what demons remain

The angels came.