More acts of God?

How I activated an act of God?

I won't make the world a better place by giving you swimming pools of useless advice. Not I!

Once the world feels the Change at the white house there will be wide smiles and slime will stop oozing from the windows. Clean new sparkly joy to be written about soon!

Too much kindness will cause a heart to explode. It will be dramatic and filmed for the modern blood hungry masses. Enjoy!

What do you prefer more: Idiots or stinky arm pits?

Morans vs Idiots! Who do you like most?

If you are better than everyone does that give you the right to kick my head and call me a lower life form?

If we are wed I will let you pet my fart blaster demon girl friend.

I am the most exciting news, but I don't have mint chocolate ice cream.

My b hole is basically a place for rabbits.