What is it like to be me? I witness things that make me wonder about human beings.

As real as possible is not healthy! You have the absolute right and need for escapism.

I great ones with amazing toe nails you clip for me, that now I am entirely happy, upon the far end of all, to watch the clock tower in the distance, by thunder crash and fires.

The problem with making Carter an Icon is that it can't be real. No American politician is a saint.

It is looking hard to see why I made my prediction about some kind of Russian defeat? I am not sure anymore.

Did David Bowie actually die?

I think in 2024 we witnessed evil like never before. Can we learn from this experience?

Chosen Ones an interest! Jews have been called the chosen people. That can actually refer to a burden or weight they carry. I am a Jew: it can feel like I'm not supposed to accept a difficult situation, but do something to change it.

What is the American Advantage? The constitution has been a very robust document, and the people here won't let it down.

When you win, you win big!