Democrats are realizing they can't run against him in 2028 and their heads begin spinning in circles.

The woke person explained how soft and sensitive the she/he person's skin was, so I rubbed my butt there.

Her special cheese cake was steaming and in ruins by the edge of a cliff rotting away in the moonlight. Nobody loved her anymore and said her cheese cake had corrupted her into a life of greed and wanton weapon use, drug use and usery.

Anti Isreal Youth didn't know about the Hamas Blood Bath untill some showed it to them six - eight months afterwards when more footage was put together. That's evidence did little to change things.

They snogged the snob in an igloo near a perfect rock and rockets came close, so they ran on ice, then the magic polar bear was scary and the penguins more so, they had the big surprise, in Antarctica.

Most hair cuts offer weak protection.

If you experience lost time it probably ended into raw sewage and brains cells swimming within it, going nowhere, goinging nowhere, fire balls on the horizon, now blue, going stoopid.

What is the wrath of God? Anyone who has ever experienced it will be at Church or Temple soon enough and confessing like an insane person.

In the future is so hard to say: But we must make new things, build, create, and stay smart. Otherwise we have only learned how to destroy.

You must understand that there is a boy inside of this man.

Having found the powder within the cave he was now king with great powder.