On average what are the totall amounts of beans a person can eat with out getting gas?

You will be impressed by my glow in the dark stealth abs.

People can be weird. Like when a guy is kicked in the balls and says how this will probably turn him into an newly improved person. When he is unaware that he is being kicked in the balls everyday of his life. He would need to check if he had balls or not?

If you have an advanced degree, called an expert ect.. does not entitle you.

The human universe after March 20, 2020? With people having had Covid, there needs to be a discussion about their health and wellness. What are you doctors waiting for?

If the universe can be hidden in a black hole, why not the totall sum of the atoms of the universe?

Is a -3 in the past, turn into reality bender in the future. In other words do people intentionly outwit the future.

I'm back with news, this, I will continue persuing physics.

Later today: More madness, mayem and destruction!!! Catch you later!

How is 'Everything going in the Universal PULSE' America is doing one of its strange things that it does. Most Americans know what I am talking about. Keep it up. The rest of the world should pay attention.