
Pope tells flock to make room for everyone. I will take some rooms for myself, while they can all possess each other.

If I want to fly into the sun and have an orgasmic melt down, I live in a free country that says I can, if I can find a way.

This is how the earth responds to lame politics.

Dark matter is brown and has no odor.

i am currently sitting on the chair that began the universe from one explosion caused by an anal cavity.

Does you mind wish to expand into a black hole video?

Don't go bezerk in physics. Tha'ts some other advice. I love it, but they keep telling me they lied and expect me to remain interested. WTF

I question my hard work ethic: Not as ultimate as stated in the past. Sure it beats laziness and a dull life aiming at unatainable bliss. It is a stress drug though, a distraction, and maniacal.