I just looked at the new recently and my logic center exploded. What kind of world am I living in? Are we looking at a vanity fair conspiracy theory strange sci fi world? It should get less strange from here on.

As you know my situation doesn't put put me at the top of the bell curb. It was easy to read Stranger in a Strange land as a tween, alienation has the word alien in it for a reason. The term "illegal alien" is very offensive to me. Why does term exist? Also, how can we make tweens feel good about being aliens also, and what if real aliens from outer space show up? Can we be kind to Martians or not? You decide!

The tiny space craft was doomed to crash, the pilot was undaunted to find a way somehow!

They came from outer space. The Moonies from the moon interested in money and little green moran men to cook for a feast.

Hike here.

It was rather dull staring out the window onto the yellow hills. They are stable and charming things but no good in conversation. Suddenly my avocado jumped off my plate leaving me alone. It was the hills fault!

Change doesn't mean this: