Can you protest?

A bay area university was observed by me to abandon academics by a large population five years ago. GPA was on average a C with a 50% drop out rate..yea!

Dept or Screaming for bad war!

Freedom of speech is not when you refuse to hear someone else and then shout, but if you calm down we can talk, not as a mob, but one to one.

From Jewish eyes I saw and what I saw you can't imagine. Is perhaps the problem.

Here I come.

They low people don't know it all, they just think they going grow up somehow, them who think its just a game, lost in outer space, for once and for all.

Don't know the future, but the kids aren't alright and not right about everything and all things. Welcome to the warzone with Mark at the helm. Is death on the line or the bodies of stars, the yelling the blood, hey pick a side, grab some stones, act wild, police are coming, oh no, not so fun dressed up like a real someone. When will it end?

Change doesn't mean this: