Read my work, laugh, run around in circles, find yourself in a cold place, drift around on a cloud.

With the election between Trump and Biden are we feeling democracy or not?

The central issue about the protests, is not Gaza, it's Hamas. It can't be in anyway part of protest.

I've done some good, and I am ready to do more, not boasting, but one man can be stronger than an army.

Art doesn't need to be weird, but it has to make its way around.

The truth is interesting enough for lies to vanish.

It is over he told her, just nothing there, got to go, get a hold on yourself, its got heaven I'm sure, must be, so green, so much sky, all that and more, getting high on sky.

Bla bla da bla bla bones ah done with, ha ha bones and drones ahah down under sha ra, sha ra boom boom.