Radio is for music not other purposes.

I was named by the child who was protected by a priest from the Nazi's, so I got the star of david in my heart, I got to know 3 priests who were very nice and educated. So science is not my God, but you got to keep growing and learning. You can't become a wild eyed fanatic. There is too much to explore, and people to meet and ai to do?

My family didn't like ww 2 because we lost about half our family in concentration camps. Shall we leave ww 3 to a movie and not hit replay?

The greatest kiss went from once to twice!

We are not alone., but in a cave you might be!

This June 28th is my birthday.

When we give to another person we lose nothing, sometimes the gratitude is endless, you save a life, you show there is hope, and someone smiles in this world getting more cold and mechanical. You change someones life, prevent suicide, that's meaningful. You want a better world, I am sure, but you got to use one of your hands to help other people. The race is only one, it's a race to get along.

Instead of controling and dominating the world, TRY THIS INSTEAD!

The other road.

If you think evil does not exist, you are very wrong.

It is the eyes, when it's love at first sight.