Big Beef Supreme to come out of retirement, in order to show off his well toned abs and pecks and biceps while wearing a flexible iron bathing trunk.

A war poet has some experience with war, and I will say: Every one of you matters, your lives are not the stuff to end, each soldier is of great value, the lives of others depend on a united group, together, to remember that you matter. Stay alive and win.

To fight or not to fight? The question has one answer: Fight, since there is nowhere else to go, nothing else to do, no other recourse, the enemy has forced this, they are the cause of this, they have persisted against the chance of a truce and discussion, they have done injustice. Therefore fight, and fight on, until the job is done. A soldier is all of us in times that are hard, in times of trouble, in times of war, we offer the support, I give it, for a better more vibrant world, a world we know to be true, the courage is yours, you have been powerful and brave, honor to you all.

The muse is for the luck of Ukraine, not into making a blood bath though.

Do poets matter in war? Yes. That is a fact.

Israel in a fight with Destroy Israel. Truce for now.

Great Balls of fire to become CHARIOTS OF FIRE!