A Capitol Poet has performed in front of a real audiance and has also done comedy. Now this is the clincher.

Being a nobody doesn't help, unless people get to know you: Hi Mister or Miss Nobody! Nobody cares, dye your hair. That can get old fast. So you need me. I will socialize you like the best of all dog trainers.

Cute never seems to leave me. Oh yes I got those cheek bones. I will be cute forever.

Real men have been searching for the 8 pac abs, but that's why these men are so real.

If you are dad your nipples can lactate! True fact! Become a trans even if you don't want to be!

There's a woman in my life, sorta, just natural human stuff. Why do I have these feelings! And I see her everyday, courage needs to happen, but she makes most of the moves, not checkers, not chess, but soccor, I got to play that for years.

Change doesn't mean this: