The game that saw the future.

Lets go to Mars with Musk!

No glitz, but something is there!

Questions and truth?

Welcome to a new reality!!!!

Then wish big.

We are photons swimming within clouds across the universe, ideas blooming with spotted blue flowers, creators of the next design, we are the runners with lightbulbs that never break, the bearer of ideas and grand ambitions, the first to cross the oceans, the tears are real, and our dreams will be told.

Growing strong every decade!!!

I wish there was a way to get you inside my head so you might encounter this strange and wonder experience. Perhaps poetry can make the invisible come to life!

My future seems to be happening in Other Lands City, a place that refuses to go out! Here I am player 1 and have figured nothing out about this mystery of this place.

Cheese is still what you need.