She was great!

I am the king of Antartica and am very Rich!

You can't have brain sex!

Adele wedding dress

You can't touch this! The lights are winning!

How to live in America when I dislike both political parties? Got any answers?

Life being free.

Lies can get believed by the liar and cause socially retarded mobs and foaming at the mouth perhaps.

Prediction with out bias (Not) there are only biased predictions. Facts are only disliked because they mess with the lies.

I got one of these books by an answers know it all men. Then I could see many other such books! Are we that hungry for absolute understanding that millions can be made this way. Shame! Most people are doing the best they can, nobodies perfect, and I have forgiven Donald Trump already. You all want to lie in someway or another. Go ahead! Make my day!