
Its fun in the rain with my brain and my heart, and my ten toes, my reality, my pug nose.😃

What is life all about? Its a progressive activity. In hope that something more amazing will be realized. After all most animals are better suited for earth should tell you something.

Some people I love, some I loath, those I loath usually belong in San Quentin.

I have prevented many major disasters from happening so far. That should count for something.

Very novice understanding of economics: The circle of economics begins with demand and spending, spending moves supply around and banks get deposits while investors speculate on stock prices and the fed tries to keep inflation down with low interest rates. Somehow the people are mostly employed and advertisers help you get motivated to put more money into the loop, everyone wants a house and a car and some want to appear rich on social media! This map is not one of pillars, but has underlying greed and social status disorders. It doesn't have a real foundation. Yet there it is, beautiful.

Clickity clack! The cold ran through her bones, cracking on crank, she slithered and stank!

I only do lapse into heroic modes, not because I want to, because it is in me to stop any injustice at nightmare proportions.

Romantics don't enjoy heads being blown up by mortar fire, or get high when tanks get more massive and powerful, or consider hateful lies a form of love talk.

Change doesn't mean this: