Over the rocks and into the plains, rolling stones need a place to go, but roll they must. So they go!

Alas, somethings were not meant to be!

Not exactly a war yet!

In every war there is a hero or more!

Take some sugar from me!


A dictator is not a dick, just misunderstood, we are all feeling a need to be heard, lately I wish to grow a beard!

Secretly Alice wears no underwear and gives auras of mystery knowing people may understand, because there is a lot to know!

The correcting hamburger friend was taken by surprise by the blinking of dolly's eye. That significant Alice reduced to a toy. She was no longer a wonderland protagonist, but dear in fear of a grasping hand, of ignorance. The bible is interesting after a long absent wilding away with comic romances.

Cheese is still what you need.