Scientists are difficult people, they might go quantum!

Western men like myself never kick horses or cross our legs.

A dog can out=smell a cat, yet can't play Mozart in a pimp outfit.

I prefer a women who can wear her entire wardrobe, or at least convince me I'm seeing things.

Those who say they believe in nothing are also bad at sex.

It will come in the mail, the yes doll that looks like me!

Do not fear getting old, fear the slow walking bingo overlords.

Perhaps Paul would change his mind! Radio is gushy.

If you believe you are totally unable to create, then wiggle something while on the toilet.

If someone is on your shit list, find something else to do then urinate on them. Nothing upsets a bully more.

Why try to make a better world: Corruption can lead to terrible destruction, and now the tools are greater.

Change doesn't mean this: