As I understand it Jews savior complex happened before their persecution complex which came after their inferiority complex and after they tipped double or triple on anything. We are to fix a broken world and if that means going into drunken places we do or have at one point helped someone home. At least once taken a homeless person into our home and offer him a new pair of pants. Our favorite pair. Strange how things all work out.

There was a war long ago between 16 tribes. The Jews remained somehow. It is a story that repeats for Jews. I wonder how I exist when my people should be dead at least five times.

War is?

As punishment I will send a million elite fartoligists into Russia and make life unbearable.

Barfgasm: Honor left. Military is supposed to.have an honor code. Humanity as a concept is a matter of honor. People don’t often walk around like morans doing random cruelty and injustice. Unless that is the fate we got!

I will not do a rant, but I am very disappointed, it’s as if the human race is f ing up at a 3/1 rate. But John you are great.

I notice real intense feelings on time and time related subjects. I can’t help but think something big or at least significant will eventually happen.