We are being told to do justice.


This will not stand.


Bill isn't getting lucky!


Bill Hole got even more problems!


Forgive me this is a new machine yet again. I promise that this machine is not a robot designed to kill Bill Hole. Sadly Bill Hole just went to Nova Scotia. Perhaps Canada just openec the border to let him out of the US. Be well Bill and bring some masks!


This adventure is not about getting any princess. She wasn't your type anyway.


Easy choice, just walk into an adventure outside of the normal world. Computers were designed for such an experience as this. If you possess ice cream the dreams will be better and more intense. Plus there will be a happy goat who will be watching you as you lick as if you were his one true love. Now I will ready the secret device of this magic you never dreamed about! Come all come one, but do come!