Still true. He is a Jew. I am now a cynic, but also a romantic. If I was not a romantic also I would become a fatalist eventually. There has always been and will always be wonders and miracles in this universe. This does not mean to get your hopes high for no good reason.


We need to focus more on that wiggly spot in our chest.


In my better world there is no massive inequality no matter what your rank and statis is.


Are we a nice people?


Two minutes ago I saved a lost blind man. It was my civic responsibility to do so.


Not all fools are. Lets keep the love coming strong.


Its speeding over your head.

I sang this and was applauded.


Nature's ways.

Would you be sent into an internet goose hunting outrage if I was wearing a hat? Somehow I think this could happen right here in this country. They said only Europe could get riled up about hat wearing. Sadly we all know it can happen here as well. Sigh!?

Am I a physicist? In some ways yes I am. If finding things out, figuring things out, and learning exciting stuff in physics matters then I am part of club that should include everyone. I cant stop wanting more, discovery is obsessive in a beautiful longing to touch deeper into mysteries of the cosmos. Somehow I can feel like nothing and everthing all at once. The love of science then is incurable, and has no remedy that I know of, not even religion. Gazing yp at the stars on a dark winter night removes me from this pale blue dot and allows my imagination to believe in things impossible. Love affairs that would melt entire romance novel bookstores, and the arrival of an exploding green star. An opportunity for a lasting peace on earth and joy to all.