My poetry, jokes and other writings reaches...

Approximately 4000 People every month.  I may be the most prolific POET in history.  I also wrote two plays for the New York stage (0 rejections or reads) so I already know my writers worth.  According to research (The Academy) is losing its hegemony to internet poets.  Now that is what I call major awesome.

Major Announcement

My Alice in Wonderland book was finished today.  It is the most enjoyable reading I have ever done.  It trumps anything I have written so far.  More than anything this book is muse inspired.  As if you may feel like you are reading directly from a muse without any writer there.  You may become a firm believer in the muse.  I think you shall.


Tossed from the bull

Bullies too

Am not indestructible

But the madness looks endless

I get so mixed up

I feel like a French Omelette!

The future holds magic gold.

The unknown is the great unknown which poetry and physics is.

You are a river..

Sweet water in winter

Holding ice and icicles

Dreams of things unseen

Through feelings unheard

Before the fall

Before the sping

Summer for love

In times of need

Till time changed

With all things.

Blinded by science

Into such wackiness

Beyond normal sense

It isn't so curious

As a gaggle of idiots

With impressive outfits!


Change doesn't mean this: