I now have part one and two completed.

Part three is much more complex as it weaves into part one and two.  I fear extreme head aches, but am stoked to get to operate a lot of brain cells at the same time.

Surprised how Alice sort of loses her virginity to a bath tub, and loses interest in returning to reality, which is available to her!  A timid mouse her only company, her room forever?  Don t blame me, blame a muse.

I have been investigating the Bay Area..

My conclusion lately is due to the wild, perhaps crazy past of past of northern California, that a kind of insanity defense could be used for wrongness in its short history and (the place is still in the process of becoming)  Berkeley does cross the line with me though.  Yet they have apologized adequately.  San Francisco is the most loved city for me, as too much of the rest of the Bay seems tired out and not challenged enough.

At last he was weeping

As he prepared his onion

A very dull thing

To dice without gambling

Though unreal tears were something

As if a bit exhausting

Yet untold memory might tell a story

Also in the realm of boring

As like a shadow on a mirror

Everything was everything

So nobody seemed to care

A tear jerker of a story

Missing garlic it seemed

Half correct

Yet still savory.

Popularity. wealth, fame, ha!

Prove fairly worthless wastes of time as they all can tumble in different directions.  All pointless, very pointless.

Weird is the new blue.

Am I the poetry man

With a thorn pulsing a potion

To talk stop look

You are so much

Then let's have lunch

Then roll on the grass

And see a vision

Of polka dotted cats

And cylinders spinning

TO spin YOU

You spin

And  the swing moves

If you want.


So what is a result

A wave of hearts for beating stars

The drama unfolds in a paintbrush

The object of love on a beach

A grain of sand

A spot.

As a Jewish mutt what other nationality am I confused with by my appearance.

Over 10 times in my life people have said I look German.

What would Hitler have thought?

Change doesn't mean this: