I wish there was a way to get you inside my head so you might encounter this strange and wonder experience. Perhaps poetry can make the invisible come to life!

My future seems to be happening in Other Lands City, a place that refuses to go out! Here I am player 1 and have figured nothing out about this mystery of this place.

In the near future?

Is this really that important that we fight?

Seems like I have done a lot for free.

I don't like fighting, I just keep complaining!! bla bla!

The tipping point could describe the Ukrainian success in the war. Also the underdog status being rather big while not a puny military was a factor. I could imagine a moment of change during the war with awful clarity. Posted by Magic V at August 06, 2022 No comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest

The buzzards are coming, and hyena, and what will Moscow do?

Bill Hole got off a bus and noticed the large butts on the women in end times city. Bill Hole here! He yelled.