May days

It is so very strange

I can't make sense of all these changes

Some would say it is easy

Just flow with it

Go with it

And that is like turning into liquid

So you dance alone

But you never know

As she moves in the dark

Big beating heart

And it is racing slowly

Down the stream

Are just like waking dreams

And silly has a ice cream gun

While red dresses move under the sun

Oh God


My birthday day is coming up in a month and half so here is one for all you moon buddies out there!

So Mark, do you have anything good to say?


I have a history in the visual world that is moving into some super cool directions.  After helping design three coffee shop interiors I am keenly putting my home into new and very exciting designs.  I borrow a little from only a few and am going into uncharted territory.  This project has been going on for about two years.  I am going to take some pictures to show people what I have done and probably blow them away.

I am also waiting for the full moon to some pictures using extra electronic equipment and other extras which create visionary art as if you were on some exotic unusual planet but with Earth's moon.

I am also (Sigh) going to take my visual meditation project to UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley to have the results tested scientifically with electronic equipment.  I had to leave the Professor I was working with in Chico before I got very far with it but I'm sure he could talk with a professor at another university.  This could be the discovery of the decade.  It would cure most eye sight problems and help with all kinds of mental disorders.

I would also want to teach people how to view a good computer animation for healing purposes.

So I hope that helps gives you an idea of good things in the works. 


It seems that it is so easy to look at things the wrong way.  Even see yourself in the wrong light.  To really believe that the perception is true and even logical.  Then to find that there are very different ways to view something that seemed obviously the way things were.  As if truth has taken a hold on my mind sometimes, but really parading as the truth.  The thing is the other ways of looking at things doesn't have to be the exact opposite.  I don't think that is always the case at all.  I would think I was right on, but I was really missing the mark.  So I go from yellow to green.  That has a lot to do with acceptance I think.  Also how to be realistic about things too.  Being aware of patterns and being willing to adapt even when it is not ideal.  And if that sounds negative, maybe it is, but then other things start falling into perspective.   I can see the good I have more clearly and love that more easily.  I can feel happy now considering that things aren't so bad.  Complaining is never good even if there are reasons because it can lead to anger and resentment.  I really want to focus more on the positive since that is where my joys come from.  Nothing wrong with putting something under a microscope or telescope, but know what I want close to me, where my conscious wants to be the most, is what I need to focus on.

So, Mark how would you kind of describe your day?

The weather did not kick ass.   Very windy and cloudy.  I felt a bit out of it, but in a good way.   There has been much less drama in my life from many perspectives.  I get the idea that makes my life more peaceful.   I just hope I don't turn into a Buddha statue until I am six feet under.  Visually though it was an exciting day.  I saw the hidden view of the marsh where they have rocks, cement, and bark.  In the back you can see a the swampy marsh at the perfect angle.  Also I found that Junction side of the end of the Coyote Bridge is the best spot to view Tam Valley.  So you are leaning against the pole.  This has got to be one to the best views in the whole world.

So what do you enjoy most these days Mark?

I don't listen to music constantly, but I have the best collection of music I have ever owned, so that is an immense pleasure.  I found that I love those V8 fusion smoothies: Who would have guessed.  My love for Computer Animation has been rising lately as well and I want to re-collect my old collection.   I am into some of the natural spots around here and I know some spots are better than others.  Also I have been thinking about water imagery lately.  I hope to go scuba diving someday.  People interest me thank God.  I am not sure why sometimes, why I love my fellow humans, but I do!  Been feeling alone, but not so alone at the same time.  I suppose that is healthy, but also perhaps the California way.  I'm stuck here in California so I might as well love it.

So Mark what is really going on in that mind of yours?

Seems like I am standing on two planets lately

Things are looking better, but it is not always like I can pinpoint it

Almost a sense of warp speed in the air

Or a time warp

And yes spring is finally warming people's hearts up

I think I could use a long cat nap

But I am not that kind of cat

So I can do like my other cat friend does and just casually explore

Harry is my kind of cat

Very friendly 

But no lap cat for more than a few minutes

Harry knows that life has some cool things out there...

So Mark what do you find motivating these days?

I think things progress with out me sometimes and I need to notice the way life is doing it's things.  Sometimes the world can be a scary place and then you start to notice that in some weird way my faith and efforts are doing something.  This blows away the futility concept.  
Your hand reaches out

Only there is no key

And no green door

Just a green man

In a big gray city

And a lollypop

And he is making a sketch

Of a faraway place

Where the characters 

Lived beyond the city

And saw things 

Within the city

And played city games

Which were fun

It is now chapter one

And he looks at his thumbs

Watches for wind

And moves

Into something.
Sweet is the word I know

You were like a flower in the air

The grass was removed

I planted seeds

I prayed for rain

Bright sun came

The flowers are waiting 

They will return

When the rain comes again.