Peace can be achieved obviously.

I get enough sweet lies to light up a city, sweet lies from not sweet people, like hopes are empty get my votes, the sap runs down the walls, the sky tries to melt, so questions linger oh the little hearts of blue, you don't know them, and really, they don't know you, with boxes in them, with their faces in squares, say the right words, make a science from emptiness, drink down your sorrows with the future bingo games, your lack of respect down the drain, toilets of the future talk to each other, say words like Love, and Trust, but stop with fuck, fuck, fuck.

My view of the future is this and only this:


I am very comfortable with the higgs field and don't find it strange.

If I keep this up, I might hic up, or worse.

Will climate warming make humans even more kind and gentle then they already are? Are we ready for the love festivities or not?

You can't get this goat. No money or con artistry will win him.

New world?

Please let there be no singularity.