
Acting cold hearted to men is a game that fails in attracting men, especially in these times!

This is going to be more fun!

Here comes the sun

I am that guy

Mister sunshine

Guy smiley

Happening all the time

I am universality

In my ways

So hard to explain

Suddenly I am tall

Not to kick sand on

Buff beach volleyball

Bra replacer

Go speed racer

Abs from heaven

Romeo zombie hunter

Tablet poker backgammon player

The knock out six shooter

Youth enhancer miracle man

Sand castle creator

Am I!

All super hero's to blend into one super being to replace them all!!!



Spring is amazing!

Its a thongtastic time with jet pack fever!

Beware if women with googly eyes and photoshopped boobs!

Make May Poles!

Balloons are often needing blow jobs!

The ducks were ready to race as being very pissed off at the color red on this day!

I'm for Bernie Sanders but not any talk that portrays Billionaires as enemies when some would gladly share the wealth!

You may say nerds are wimpy, but Superman!

Any guy that shoots powerful beams out of his eyes must be a smart journalist and therefore a nerd who in fact can lift tall buildings with a single hand.  Just a nerd!

What have you been smoking?

New campaign slogan!


A miracle worker somewhere?

I was saved in spite of not asking

Had I fallen to my death

Had I some foolish accident

I would be dead is how I figured

You can't complain and moan

Once dead

There is no refund

Because you aren't there to collect

So somebody must have cared

Because I'm still here.

Billy the Kid gave you the look and the wild west appeared!

A tumble weed suddenly caught on fire!

Girl we couldn't get much higher!

Boobs bounce and an eagle appears!

The crowd goes out of control!

I see a shooting star blow up!

Is this some kind of love!

Billy the Kid knows all!