Then suddenly she was in Fancy Land!

The perfume was emanating greatly

And there he was!

Mister Fancy Pants!

O sweet love at last

Together forever

Their love will withstand the tests of time..

Fantasy in fine tune lust a real must

This is the guy!!!!!!!!

It was just Bills Luck that he would find himself in an empty house...

There were some broken windows and glass on the floor

Plus some mysterious lip gloss

Outside the wind was a pack of wolves

Though here in the city it was safe

And the glass began to arrange itself by some invisible force

Something is coming!!!

Bill held his breath as if underwater

Something is coming!!!

Bill Hole was getting more lost then ever..

Plus he was getting hungry!!!



He knew!

Shake me!

Yelling into the Breeze

I must find that latch and key

Merry me marry me!

Onwards with straining thighs

Into the dampness freezing night

Exploding fire flies and LED lights!!!!

The struggle was painfull

And oddly pleasurable

All at once!!!

Into the storm he bashed forwards..

It was Bill hole who was lost

Maybe near a brothel

Steaming in the cold

Glancing in paranoia

To escape might be the way

And you saw him from the room

Bill Hole himself!