Expressions for the same thing.....

We became a kelp forest

Sun flirted in curls around

The dreams were taking us somewhere

As an Apple dances above

We hold the meaning in dances

The way feet can touch

As in a moment we remember

The village of kelp

How we ran to fast

How things evolve

And continue to

.....we can try

....we can do

....I would.
I live with grace

I am an ethical person

I have realistic expectations

I don't let creeps into my life

I dream about a better world

I have much to give

I have a great sense of humor

My world keeps getting better all the time

I am proud of all I've done

I am sure I have brought happiness to the universe

I don't expect a lot from others

I live each day as if it were it's own

The future interests me

The past fascinates me

I believe there is a loving and caring God


I could warm Iceland up with my ratings.

494,415Rank in United States
8,578,856Worldwide Rank

The mornng Comets

Speak of love spirits

And marching bears

That live to give

It is a sweet parade


All living beings

Open up your mind

You silly people

Go low

Go high

Give the bear life a try

All is right

Dancing at noon


So I got the news

Unforgiving wrath leaving ashes in wake of destructiveness blood splattering game playing reverse sexist evil duck.