Hope looked down on me

I could not reach up to it

For I was short


I could not have real hope


I gave it my best

And found I could do even better

I grew with my efforts

And flew to the prize

That before

Was like a diamond in the sky

Now I can see it

I realize

That it was no such thing

The gem I found

Was inside of me.

Dawn breaks a rainbow of potential hopes

For as night enters into the scene

Some dances in the breeze

Hearts and moon and interesting glitter

Take you away

To far away places

And in the morning you see.

Better than sex

When I am in times of dread

We all get that dreads

Imagine that instead

You are a cloud

And riding around

There is an amazing blue

Big beautiful days ahead

Sleep is heavenly too.

Light touches your eyes

From a loving sun

From a person who loves

To love your smile

Relax my friend

Please stay a while

And your fun 

Is all I want

Laughter fills the atmosphere

And I pray with a sense of generosity.

Picture yourself as a bird

Your wings are scarlet

Flying around above the ground

Soaring fast

Sun splashing in every direction

A great destiny ahead.

Sex is not done well from a food point of view

Yet when closely examined sex and food are closely akin

They are both bodily needs

So what does eating food have on the church

That sex so strongly does

Perhaps I must have lunch with a priest!

Oh so dry so barren

The northern desert is

Colder in winter than ever

You need a lot of sun

You need the loving sun

Take me into your sun beams

Give me the reality of my dreams!

In return in the world will move

All that was is good

Shall be

And ever was

Even in that simple vision

There is a world of mystery.