If you think you are so smart, try eating one of your own hands or feet. Impress me with your skills.

Harris basically supplied everything for her own demise, leaving nothing to anyone's imagination. I want my money back.

Mein Kamf, that is not in the holy book section of the book store, it's a cook book.

If the idiots get angry give them some milk and offer them sleeping bags.

Remember that your red hulk powers are not generated by your balls, because you are a woman.

I found retard island on the internet and they are pretty normal idiots, but sometimes they get real stupid, and then become very weird.

How I know Kamala wasn't happy running for President? A study of her face revealed that.

Einstien would say: Just let the moron's play.

You ran a loser against a winner and cried like a baby when you lost. crazy!

I just adding some mint to the situation, and war will never happen again.