I understand that making any physics concerning time is very difficult if not impossible. The dirrection(s) of time though is a matter of simple math. If the symetry exists then it should be capable of being found all over the place, that time can and does go in two dirrections.

Is evil stronger than the forces of democracy? I mean the good can't come from pilaging and looting everything.

The agreed upon evil serves to dampen spirits and nothing else.

Sick changes are made on the far side, paint it pink and ride off, the malaria will kick in with the gas, don't look out the window, the drones are flying fast, and then you arrive at the cave, it's the big escape, till the computer arrives in your hand and becomes a pacifier.

I like that mister family guy, just to help the kids out, to mow the lawn and fix that car, you would say he's fine, got it figured out, cool collected and with tools ready, just what you need to cook the meat.

The bigger the lie the bigger the cover up job.

The little flea, seems to be in need, and I watch it leap with hunger in it's cruel eyes, it needs all things a moment of my time, little flea what ails thee, have you not the deer to pass the time, and from nature you arrive, and the sun has made you tan, little flea there is a way, to live in paridise.


Love is like a melted stone, we need not slip and slide on mud, the mountian for to climb, to enter the emrald skys, but love is nowhere fast, when the stones are burnt into ash, touch the sands of time, the river of nothing, and know your connection to something, beyond the mind's eye.