The superstition of the curse is a fact. When Jews have had to move elsewhere the country they leave has economic problems. Perhaps God doesn't like those who curse the Jews, but no one knows for sure, unless its about Florida.

Jews are a voice for those who need a voice, for people longing for different words, for words that stumble onto truth and fill the void, Jews are the diamonds in the rough, polished by thousands of years of turmoil, a reminder of time itself and its amazing story and the connection between now and then, and for a dictator this is a nightmare.

Here is the place for the doomed of our time.

The end of the game results in a earthly heathen heaven.

If life gets rough, just be happy!

The official Kamala Song.

Things can go wrong in an information age. A population can think that the only thing worth doing is getting more and more information. It might not add up to an accomplishment or even anything, but is to be sucked in like a drink through a straw. If someone controls the information they easily get total population control. In such an environment people would lose their minds, but also their eye balls their posture and their muscles. Sounds sweet!

If Kamala makes you happy, I think you can assume she will also break your wallet.

This magazine basically said directly after the massacre: "A NEW NAZI ERA HAS BEGUN IN AMERICA WHERE ALL THE THE PRIVALAGES JEWS ONCE ENJOYED ARE GONE"

HIstory is repeating.

Enter president ever!