I see nothing wrong with eating fast.

So walking is usually done too fast. Unless you have a reason just stroll and look around you.

Moving real fast is absurd sometimes. It is because tests show that time moves faster than you can move. Don't even try to catch up with it, because you will almost knock yourself out.

So success only exists within the rules of time.

Fact. If we try to get too much done and move fast as possible the effect isn't as desired.

The quest of so many people is to move away from time's nature quality and mess with it in some way, especially in our mind.

Try dancing to understand time better. Some people say life is a dance. I'm not convinced.

Even in the present people can try to bend it's reality, but that's awkward and lame.

It seems that our pets are better than us, mostly.

As an animal we prefer ourselves over other ones, but still we can be an awful species. We see this all the time unless we are good at hiding from this. Now a days that seems impossible.

So there is almost an electrical vibration to the present. It has an intensity. The path is basically now. No magic tricks will do a lot.