Russia must beware of the real Helmet Men Brigades, storming like wolves across the plains, taking people up with blades, as they near their destiny they scream, they break things and dare.

A dog seems like love and fur all cute and fun, so you want a good time, get a ball and biscuits, rub the butt, dance with the dog, poop the dog, piss it, and clean it.

They aren't exactly fond of Palestinians, no, they like the fashion, the power, and the action, they like screaming people down, they like forming a mob, going bezerker, and hating hard.

It was a cat walk that got her running, up those trees, onto the highest branches, and dangling like a ripe fruit in the sun, the passion is bouncing fast.

I can be a magician, but its mainly God speaking, getting to know you and everyone, you wonder about such magic, when there is no system or logic.

Being alone is not easy to master, you think life is good, they show you disaster, you think you are cool, now you think I'm a fool, and you don't go by the rules, a bat out of hell.