The algebra equation is a perfect one, and deceptive in its simplicity, but these are general math requirements for anything describing time. So every year more people are drawn to it. It won't be long before the entire physics department is under the spell of it.

The math shows that in some way the past and the future are the same and the present the biggest lie ever. We are time travelers.

Time expands in both directions like a movie strip.

What retrocausality can look like.

Just stop saying it's weird.

The death penalty is a form of lynching. It offers very little comfort or satisfaction to the families of the victims. It is a lie. The fact is this is both costly and is in fact murder.

You can't live comfortably when death is on the line.

Good news: soon gun laws and ending of the death penalty.

President Biden does get the Better World Award. As a kid he learned to stop stuttering and stand up to bullies. He is a man who has a history, in regards to his commitment to his family and his commitment to America through politics, he is what this award is about. The creator being Queen Elizebeth, Audrey Hepburn, and Micheal J. Fox all devoted to service.