And time so much time, and yet events can tear it all apart, ripping glass cathedrals make a mess, shed some clothing, a wedding dress, unravel a curtain, so violence makes fools run, and who needs the better gun? The ambition is for the artist to paint a portrait, for flowers that droop in spring contradict expectation.

Are you a teck flea?

Asserting power yet again!

If it was not in Gaza you should have the same response.

I was right again, but I am not in love with being right, I want to swim in only your opinions. Sew me into the fabric, and turn me into a wheel, then spin me and turn me, till the moon is my mistress.

They are actually dead and not working for you even in spirit form.

Use our amazing soap and cure yourself of your aggressive power obsessed personality. DESTROY LESS THINGS SOAP. A NEW PRODUCT!

I am offering you some existence. New perfume. Nobody will ever doubt if you exist ever again. EXISTENCE can bring out a nature odor with a range of 180 feet.