Dreams have a way of sneaking away when we are asleep, so don't forget to hold on to them.

Down the rabbits went, and fell with big bags cut to fall, and there was fancy wall paper and talking dolls, and candles lit on fire! Down we went and somehow higher!

I communicate with many people, some who I have sorta gotten to know and admire. Oddly I have met people who would never meet each other, or have some form of strange relationship with. From this point of view I like people.

Poland is likely going to be attacked by Russia at some point in time. The Russians have suggested this a number of times.

If you support people who want to kill me, then do you really think I would trust you?

The biggest mistake possible is to make a lie, expand on the lie, then end up believing in it, and finally gettiing rabid over it.

Huge Hammas Tunnels turn into opium dens overnight with disco parties.