Bill was aiming here:

You can check your brain hat in at the door, enter my palace, and stand for a while, there is going to be Bill Hole in a while, just you wait, he's going to be late, but remember he is nice, and he'll help you out, he isn't Jesus, but I believe he can help somehow.

If there is no heaven then perhaps space?

Mostly Economics may interest you: You must get enough money at some point in your life. Then when you get "Enough" then you start another phase. Today enough generally means over a million dollars..oh.

Who are the Zorg? Answer: A new type of undead creature that looks like a human.

New AI fat blaster machine muscle maker to bring you back to life, on sale soon!

If this turns you on I think I will go to Mars.

The irony of it is delicious.

It is not the shining red army anymore.

Japan has now won the BETTER WORLD AWARD. Other such nations include Finland, Germany, Poland, Ukraine.

Bulgaria is now a Merit Nation!