There is no doubt: Israel has a right to exist. It was born at one point with the help of the British, and has been protected by the Americans, and has brought something unlike anything else to the world. Even the start of peace by a deal with Egypt.

Artists have to lie, which is why they must be very honest.

This man gave me a welcome into the world of physics. So glad you helped!

Competing in the realm of steamy things?

Ruling the world with my love should be fun.

So we don't bring the enemies head on a plate, uh that might look like a foodie selfie opportunity in which to brag and gloat over your nemesis. Yet if the universe is in the horror section of the book store beware..

It is still one world, one people, not one computer.

If you go naked and pour lemon juice over yourself you will not become invisible, your crime will seen, even the cameras will detect you.

I must be a prodigy, oh well.

The tide is turning..