The dreams to come someday over the rainbow.

About Hamas, this is not Islamic. I have looked at the Koran. Not according to their religion at all. Some cult must be behind their actions.

China could win the BETTER WORLD AWARD, but that would be a long shot, unlikely, but this is not a baised site mosty. When a country is "trying", I notice.

More sex is the cause of less violence. Fact.

Deep south to take full responsibility for my deeper almost religious writing.

If they kill a hostage will they also eat it? (Dark Humor)

For every bullet ten children should be born, and their love of life also.

War may be hot, but it is not sexy, at least not compared to me.

New Chimp Warfare is now if operation. With: OPERATION CHIMP

Who ever you are, you are special, you are beloved, you are needed.

As the situation looks a bit nuts, perhaps I should eat some.

We are winning.