I say we unleash my Killer Duck Drones, set to DESTROY, DESTROY, DESTROY. PLUS QUAK!

What would I do if I was ultima Boss of the world!!! I would create intimate viewing places for both challenge and relaxation, then I would give every child scientiful tools to play with, I would bring about more sculpture and architecture, break down fears and barriers and offer more places and ways for humans to connect with each other, and I would give ai a chance to do what it dreams of,, to see if technology can in fact dream.

I don't think Russia has really gotten the West's Best, as in teeth or guns. I feel pretty sure on this. Why not just give them a taste?

Perhaps if we are living in the dark side of a hole, would explain why things suck so much.

The question is not if the universe is real, but if extremely large breasts have silicon in them.

So the nazi like realities of today caused the rise of Hitler and Fascism way back when to happen.

Are we going into Nazi Retro Causality!

So this is bullshit, the paper this morning just crap, as if Jews aren't American or something like that, implying, how important my ethnicity really is in some peoples eyes, just disgusts me, that it too can be weaponized, is sick.