Ten years of Terror.

The pixals dance on your computer as you sit on a bluff, red from an age of blood shed, the dancing of wicked beings, going nowhere, losing themselves, losing to win, failing and using it up.

Snoring won't make this happen.

Where is the system today, will it form from humans, a rebirth, a frontier, more familiar than all history, something worked for, for years, nothing to fear, a lost people, humans into the green and purple, worlds beyond earth, they are here, and the evidence is prooving itself, by itself, light forms in darkness from the dark, to be human, with out words.

In the why poetry question:

I got Bill here!

Maybe I was right. The math looked too perfect to be otherwise.

What will happen when there are a billion Jews left on earth! With out abortion strange things happen! They are happening right now!

Post Pandemic Modern Society: What are your thoughts?

I don't need everything and things are not people, people to be conquered, with a world within and soul, human, loved, given to community, not a throw away, or give away, alive and just the same.