Russia appears to be shrinking and will soon become a four inch country!

The girls are ready to cause great health.

Recent news shows a new problem. We need to stop it.

They have worse Amnesia than me? Apparently she is that good! Maybe she can make me forget my entire life.

Dueling can end this mess right away!

The Tall Thin Man claimed that he was free of all accusations by seducing the Jury with his violin. His swooning melody caused them to leap in his dirrection.

I love women so much that I don't mind being trampled by them.

Who is the greatest loser of all time? Bill Hole. You decide!

Those feet I got look swollen. It is okay if my feet are doing blue or green. You never know what feet can do or a Wallace Stevens. I walk on through and my laces fly in the wind, as she swears at me in Mongolian. The freedom thongs are being passed out, as airplanes bomb the hospitables.