The never confess anything policy has its moments.

All about love no doubt!

I think Bill Hole has a very big heart, but has lost some of his will to talk.

Prediction: All normal hopes for the future are not going to happen. We will begin to measure things with some new measuring system.

With ghost studies scientists back off because there are no apparent physics. So then its called supernatural. What about that famous ghost that was making its presence frequently known after his death. That never made a dent on the subject?

I like to believe the structure of reality includes us, therefore we can't examine it. Physics can't do things like a hand shaking its own hand. The best we can do is put a finger on a mirror.

What about the person who is slowly being crushed to death while listening to smooth jazz?

If the universe isn't real, is it foamy!

People can insult me for being smart, but there are many ways to be smart, and very few ways to be stupid.

Storks return with extra cute kittens for all. We can be happy now!