Get back!

I wish I could be a selfish and extremely powerful jerk, but that was not meany to be.

Number 9

The feeling is when you feel like the last person on earth trying to make a positive difference, and mostly encounter ignorant hostility, it's me.

Light shines perhaps and some good music, then out pops the fart fairy.

The bath was big and full of rich foamy water, plus a gaggle of mermaids squirming around in an excited manner. So I did some stretching and took a deep breath and dived in!

They should stop talking about the big bang since we know about it. That's kids who might be watching those videos. I can't go for that.

The world has plenty of dirty rotten scoundrels who drink soup and don't use a straw.

Since when do people prefer to be super villains?

Extreme does not mean the same thing as good last I checked.

If the world is going in the wrong direction do the leaders just brace for impact?