Go get em Poles!

Not just cute and handsome, but toned, ripped, and styling!

Reality is to be tested, and why not keep it fun and lively also!

It is the courage not to be a bully that society needs.

Space and time can be put together as the word reality in that it is our direct experience also. Thought and activity are also like this.

I don't know this as fact, but I understand this blog is one the most popular in the world, but I won't let that effect me too much.

The wars of Israel should be textbook material. They also make great story and remove misunderstandings.

I would like a new friend. Anyone?

The theme of the future! Vile disgusting people not worthy of being called human need not play a large role.

I confronted the bad actions of someone abusing his power and he backed away from me, he had the club not me!

Ask not what can't be done, but show the world that superman is good.