If I had to choose from the past to understand the future?!? The reconstruction period after the civil war warped by computers mixed with the war with Canada and recent French exiles in Quebec. Why not!

I am going to plan a trip to Japan, Korea (s), Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia. Anyone who wants me as a guest let me know!🙂?

Presidents and world leaders get a priority in my giving the recently established award, and of course Joe Biden is currently a possibility. It starts with a feeling and now I got to see if he ranks very high, as in royal standards.

The joy of breaking down, as opposed to getting down.

An Interesting cat experience was when I used my years of cat experience to get a feral cat to sit on my lap. If I wasn't careful it would have attacked as it was not normally interested in people.

The stairs go deep down and fade beyond sight. The hopes of something seem to rise in the purple smoke, what you say, this strange place, you dreamed me here to stand alone, a place with no joke. But then to spin as you drink your rum and coke.