Hey, I don't know you, but if you like my blog, find some Karaoke, and make your billions right now!

People a!most always seem to have a myriad of problems. But if they solved their problems they would be at a 0 point with out a future. So people need something viable and positive to work on rather than get stuck on problems.

I think ghosts are smart because parts of the brain that existed while the person was alive do not continue after death.

They should make kindle devices that smell like old books.

Am I jazzed about anywhere? Yes.

Do I support Isreal? It depends on the next elections, much like how America is, shaky democracy, but more so.

2023 culture is just starting to emerge, as if out of the fog.

For Black History Month I want to encourage people to read Maya Angelu who fought more than anyone until her death just a few years ago. A truly great woman in every aspect.

For black history month I want to cherish and celebrate my room mate Kevin who I lived with for a year in Oakland and the black community in Oakland that I remember fondly and how much was learned and experienced as a result.